Using Digitakt to control Ableton MIDI tracks

That’s the thing, it’s not like a dedicated midi controller has any special hardware for this. they all send out midi CCs from the knobs. the magic happens in the control script that interprets them, so it should be possible to write one for the DT. Looks like I have a quarantine project to get working on.


Ableton has a User Script in the Midi Remote Scripts folder for writing your own custom control surfaces. It has some basic parameters you can assign and I think the API can be found on GitHub for use in more detailed scripts.

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turns out someone has already done this! cheers @garf


Tell me how it goes. I’m curious about it. Thank you!

@garf Thank you for the hard work!

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Can a admin pin this like in the top of the INTERNET?

Thanks you saved my life dude. :heart:

I’m glad that my Post could help you!