Using AR as a compressor only

Hi guys
could someone please walk me through how to use the AR as a compressor on a song made with Ableton? I think I have all the connections set up correctly but on my RME fireface UCX I cannot get a signal coming back out of the AR
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Create an audio track in ableton. Then instead of routing it to the master route it to 2 outs on your ucx. Route every track to this audio channel instead of the master and don’t direct monitor this. Then connect those outs to ar ins. Than hook main outs of Ar to ins on your ucx. Make another audio channel. Select the ucx ins that are receiving the ar main outs. Make sure you put direct monitor on that channel. Then route that channel to the master fader in abelton for any further processing. Then you have to real time record the final print . Create another audio track and set the input to resample. This will record the master channel post fader. You don’t need to monitor that track. Mute it in fact . But to record the final print you would arm that track. If you don’t want to do further processing on the master or you’d rather put the further processing on the return from the ucx audio channel that is fine too but you’ll still need a channel to record that post fader I think. Also you’ll need to configure the outs/ins correctly in total mix for your rme. I assume you know how to do that. Hope that helps.

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Thanks a lot for taking the time to write that, Owensands. Gonna try it now…gotta love the people on this forum :slight_smile: