Use cases that illustrate the depth of Elektron gear

You said it’s possible to slide between samples using an LFO, I’m asking you how?

Apply an lfo to sample slots…:upside_down_face:
If you meant morphing between samples slots with one track, it doesn’t seem possible, but modulating Start with well prepared samples divided in 120 you should be able to “morph“ samples. You should be able to do something like the Megabreak of Doom

@wascal, you are concern by that topic! :wink:

I have an AR MKI, it’s an interesting challenge!
It’s more convenient with DT because it has sample Length instead of End. :cry:


Darn, yeah I meant morphing/sliding between two different samples on one track. That would be really cool

One day I’m going to really invest a few years making the perfect sample sets/chains for the MegaBreakOfDoom.
I’ve definitely made some breakbeat chains, that’s cool and all, but I have a feeling there’s more to explore there, A LOT more.
That wascal vid alludes to it a wee bit, placing breaks strategically so you can kind of finesse the cross. Would be fun to make a whole set with nothing but the MBOD, on multiple tracks, bass lines, leads, ambience, using mix mode to mute stuff on and off and get really freaky.


Sure. I experienced that principle with a non matrixed sample, with an lfo for offset per bar.
Also used midi loopback + processing to assign scenes depending on xfader position, up to 16. Huges possibilities (crap video, watch scenes changing at the beginning and at 1mn)


Between 120 samples you mean? :smirk:

That IS really cool. Done :wink:

Example with @wascal files. Would you mind if I upload them for sharing?

:joy: Sorry I can’t help from mangling like crazy.
Octatrackus OCD syndrome.

For morphing you have to prepare your samples in consequence, like this :

Made for OT but same principle : 16 plocked samples, 16 slices. Each sample is a loop with a different filter setting. One bar, morphing with crossfader, or Start of AR.


Wow did not think that was doable on the AR :open_mouth:

I’ve been out of Elektron land for years now and have sudden GAS for an Rytm :sob:

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Back when I had an Octatrack and I was getting my first few MBOD’s together I did a lot of experimenting with pairing ones with different lengths.

Eg, my breakbeat one had 64 samples, then I had a ‘perc loops’ one with 32 samples, a ‘bassline loops’ one with 16 samples and so on. The theory being that you could gradually crossfade between an entire set on one scene and spend more attention on my Machinedrum and Monomachine.

It worked pretty well but eventually I lost focus and started getting more into complex resampling chains and all that stuff and gave up on it. I plan to get another OT one day, I miss the little wormhole projects you can get sucked into for weeks :grin:




So can I upload your modified files for AR?


Go for it - they are all sampled from old funk tunes anyway :slight_smile:


Wow that’s pretty great, I’m looking to use my ARmk2 ina similar manner! Would you be able to go a bit more in depth as to how you achieved this with loops and samples? Are you using one shots or sample chains, obviously you can’t manually slice on the AR so I’m not sure how this works, when I’ve tried to use loops (or use the looping Function) I have issues trying to sequence the sample tracks without clashing and timing issues etc. I’d love a basic run through of where to get started!

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Thanks! That’s my rainy day afternoon sorted then, I’m going to dive right into my AR.

You ever use Bomes with the loopback technique?

I used several midi processors, not Bome. For crossfader / scene changes?

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Yeah, was just wondering if you used something like that.
I haven’t used Bome in a while, but I love it, super powerful.
Been meaning to get a BomeBox.

Yes. Event Processor Plus. I set scenes pair per crossfader value range.
Crossfader 0-15 > scenes 1/2
Crossfader 16-31 > scenes 3/4