USB audio via overbridge too quiet

I want to record audio from my AK via USB in Ableton. Everything works fine but the signal is so quiet that I have to crank up the volume of the Clip in ableton afterwards by 10dB. Can anyone tell me where I can get the Output signal from the AK up?

I had the same issue. In fact … i also just bought a special mixer for my tour so that I can gain the independent outputs for each track.

I see no advantage in using the Single outs, because I cant use the effects anymore if I route voices to single outs.
I have to record every track from the AK independent in ableton and use the Utility effect to set the gain +12db…
Is there no better way to record my AK in ableton?

I know when I record indv outs over usb in fl studio that I can set up Overbridge to still record the master, if all the other tracks are routed to indv outputs you get just a wet FX track from the master. Not ideal if you need to edit audio later.

And this increase of gain affects your sound quality how exactly? Why’d you wanna be recording superhot anyways :thinking:

SETTINGS>SYSTEM>USB CONFIG> Use the LEFT/Right buttons to adjust the USB to MAIN up or down in dB.

It’s not doing anything unfortunately, what is the purpose of this setting if it’s not increasing the volume at all?

Sorry to hear you are having troubles. I set my output to 12 dB. I compared the levels vs music playing on Spotify to check the loudness and 12 dB was the setting for me. Maybe it’s a bug, it is beta software, after all. Did you report it to the developers? My nephew is a developer I know he loves it when customers share bug reports. Nobody wants to release poor quality work, especially musicians and programmers.

It’s definitely a bug, it’s a beta version I get that.

I fix OB’s low input (the waveform looks so small btw, ridiculous) by grouping the DT audio tracks and apply Sausage Fattener plugin by up to +30/40% fatness onto it, and/or a mix of other processing techniques as well (saturation, drumbuss for kick, etc.) to reach the normal level of my other VST tracks, so as to maintain the standard -18 LUFS pre-mastering level I keep at all times.

So in the end it’s fine sound wise no difference, but clearly this should be fixed in the future!

I had this problem too, however I noticed that turning up the monitoring volume in the Overbridge audio capture tab resolved it, at least as a workaround.

…are u aware of the fact, since all digital processing talks 24 bit these days, that low gain is a good thing end of the day, once it comes to mixing and summing…?

so u might consider to lower ur ableton elements and catch up with ur overall loudness ur used to in workflow, by just pushing ur monitor controler…?

too hot is always way more a problem for proper sonic results in the end, than pulling up with final gainstaging tools on busses and during master processing…

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…also consider using the option of single outs as much as u can…
that’s an advantage for further paralell processing options…
if ur into this…u can catch the stereo out of ak for fx ONLY…huuge difference in endresults…promise…

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Just for fun, let’s have everyone sound off about where they set the monitor volume control on their audio interface. Just say which o’clock.