Upgrading OS Octatrack MKII [resolved]

Hi Elektronauts! I’m trying to upgrade the new OS for the Octatrack , dowloaded the Transfer software, connected it through USB. When i open the Transfer software on the Midi In and Out nothing shows. I’m pretty new to this so I’m very lost. Any help please?
Extra info: I have a Mac OS Mojave

it never will - it does not have USB Midi

the firmware comes bundled with installation instructions


Ohh i see… do you know how could i get to connect it ? been all afternoon searching how…

Copy firmware file to CF card root directory and trigger update from System menu. Details are in the manual.


Yeah i’ve read the manual…will try again. thanks thanks !

Been trying and nothing. Does anybody know where’s the "Root " on the Compact Flash Card? the manual says that i have to copy it there…but on which folder?

Root is the top level. I.e., not in any folder/directory.


Ohhh okay will try!! thank youuuu

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it worked!! thank you soooooooooooo much!!


Sorry this sysex transfer method is something different than usb midi ? or the method is not so recommended? Thanks

The Octatrack can’t do MIDI over USB. To upgrade from the sysex file you need to send it over DIN MIDI. And that means you need software that can send a sysex file over MIDI.

It’s much easier to mount the CF card over USB and copy the file over, then upgrade from that file. Put the octatrack into USB disk mode, then mount it on your computer. Copy the file into the CF card, then unmount it in your computer. Then go to the OT system menu and choose OS upgrade.


No, use the usb cable, put the OT in disk mode, and then copy the file. The general consensus is to not mess with the CF card once you’ve put it in the machine, as the pins on the connector are fragile.

Updating via USB disk mode is way easier than any other method; I don’t even know why they say it can be done via sysex, apart from maybe restoring it in the event of it not being able to boot properly to go into disk mode.


Just. Copy. The. File. To. The. Card. Over. USB.


Seriously. It needs to be a pinned thread :smile:


Thanks a lot for the good short description to both :point_up: and sorry for the post where I mix confusing details, i delete that.

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Yeah copying it to the CF card doesnt sound like difficult but what is 1. in the root (the top level of the file structure and not inside any folder)? I copied it onto the CF card, not into a specific pre-existing folder, so just free floating on the CF card, is that what is meant by top level?? Cause when I want to proceed to hit update on the OT, it tells me no OS found on card!
I downloaded the correct update though, which is the 1.40…

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