Hi ! I want to update my MD (1.53 actually) and load samples in it with the TM1 i bought today but it don’t work. I use C6 with apple OSX 10.7.5.
In the config panel i see the TM1, the MD is ready to receive midi upgrade…. frustration !
Maybe somebody can help me ?
Thank you !
nobody now ?
can only suggest to check all the options on the MD
verify that it is indeed receiving midi
Mess about with C6, try changing the delay values, i use 15
good luck
I actually bought the TM1 uniquely to update the md and back it up
as i couldnt get any thing else to work properly
Expensive though!
Thank you for your advice. French ?
We can change the delay value with C6, i don’t understand. Maybe using a other software. 15 ?
Unfortunatly i can’t check midi in about the MD because my two other machine have no midi out. But i remember that midi in worked with a Minikorg as master.
You have to have both the MIDI In and MIDI Out cables connected to the MD.
Once you’ve started to transfer your Sysex data, watch the progress bar in C6. When it is done, press STOP on the MD menu. The MD will then write the data to it’s internal drive.
C6 is a piece of crap, so don’t think it’s just you!
That is what i do …. the to cables midi to the MD : in to out and out to in.
I really began to think what you say about C6….
Transfert don’t work at all. No progression bar, nothing.
Maybe the OS of my apple is not the good , i took a look on the Elektron site web, they don’t speak about OSX 10.7.5. And nobody tall if it’s work with.
I don’t wan’t maverick because my sound card is not compatible.
The solution is maybe to install 10,8.
HAlalalala ……
Maybe you can try with other software. The first time I updated my A4 I used “Reaper demo version” !!
You just have to import the sysex file into a midi track and route the output midi to your midi out interface. Put the MD in upgrade mode and run the sequencer.
You should see something received by the MD.
Good, this would have been my first suggestion as well. I don’t know what to say about your computer’s OS, but anyway here are a few other troubleshooting ideas:
How have you configured C6? Is the TM-1 listed as your interface for both MIDI out and in? Have you made any changes to the default MISC settings?
Are you using the TM-1 in turbo mode? If not, try turning it on. Does the LED light up AND the box on the screen interface tick itself?
Is your TM-1 working generally? (Can you transfer samples back and forth OK, for example?)
i used the TM module yesterday for the first time … plugged it in and it really took some time for my win7 64bit to tell me all drivers had been installed … did that happen on yours too?
if not plug it in and out try different usb slots!
dont mix up midi in and midi out …