Updating the DN

I don’t own a windows PC. I only have a Linux PC… anyway to update the latest DN firmware with linux?

Sure thing! However not official in any shape or form.

This thread applies to all sysex update/backup mechanisms using amidi:

The preview isn’t great but if you go to the thread the formatting will clear things up.

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will any sysex transfer app work? I was under the impression I needed elecktron transter program?

Here is a much better explanation:

For firmware it’s just sysex. On Mac people commonly use Sysex Librarian for example

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Sorry new to all this :slight_smile: so any linux program that can transfer sysex will work?

Should yes.

Your mileage may vary and this isn’t official so just keep that in mind.

I update all of my devices with my linux machine just using amidi

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perfect, thanks for you help - if I have any questions or issues I’ll reply again. I’m at work so won’t be able to try till later.

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This is still the best mini tutorial (Not Official) on how to use amidi for upgrading firmware, but translate to your software of choice.

Good luck!


wow that was easy, it worked :slight_smile: thanks a million for that link


Glad you gave it shot!

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