Updating Digitakt v1 OS from 1.11 Beta

Hi I’m only getting round to updating from 1.11 Beta, (I know), will I lose all my samples / projects etc?

Any advice about how to update safely is greatly appreciated.



Hey. You need to email elektron support so they can give you firmware version 1.20, you’ll need to update to 1.20 via DIN SYSEX which means you’ll need a USB midi interface. If you have an audio interface with a 5 pin DIN pair on it or a Roland UM1, something like that will work. You won’t be able to do USB firmware updates via the Transfer software until you update to 1.20, then once that’s successful you can update to the current Digitakt 1 firmware by drag and drop in Transfer using USB. You must do it in that order or you will be banging your head against the wall, and elektron support is the only one allowed to give you the older update’s firmware.

Here is a knowledge base page which describes the process of upgrading OS with SYSEX using the Transfer software, you may find this helpful:

If you are unable to use Transfer to back up your projects and samples, you may be able to do it via sysex but I’ve never tried so I’m not entirely sure of the process. Usually when upgrading, the old projects work fine and it’s downgrading where you lose project compatibility, but coming from 1.11 Beta, I honestly don’t know.

I would start with filling out the contact form in your elektron.se account and let them know you want to upgrade from firmware 1.11 and you were told that you needed 1.20 before you could make it current, also ask them what the best way to back up content before loading the OS files.

1.20 was the version which introduced the audio interface capability, and for whatever reason you can’t skip that step when moving to the most current from a version before that point.

Good luck.


Thanks a million for that, i’ve sent in a request so i’ll see what they say…

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No worries, I hope you can get it resolved soon and that your projects can be exported by SYSEX. Theoretically I know that it’s possible, just gotta ask them to be specific about the steps because I don’t even know how to get my hands on the manual for 1.11

A lot of the info in the new manual regarding system procedures and updates will be totally different from what you need, and I think that you want to do the backup before making any moves on the OS update.

Should be straightforward after that, but let me know if there’s any other issue and I’ll try to pop back in.

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