Loading those sounds and settings gives me a different result here: everything sounds the same triggering whatever track.
There might be some modifications you did after creating that unison-kit?
I am really wandering in the fog here…
Can you try to load the Sounds ex-novo?
Just load the sounds - make the Kit poly in unison - try the different tracks
Please report back
what is that setting about voice priority you’re speaking about?
the only one comes to my mind is RESET-REASSIGN-ROTATE…but they are the other options instead of UNISON
Yeah, that’s what I meant, sorry. Pg 18 and 20-21 of the manual. And you’re correct – it’s in addition to UNISON (RESET, ROTATE, REASSIGN or UNISON).
I imagine that if you’re doing >4 notes that note priority is given to whatever track you start on. Eg. If you’re on track 1, then that will be given priority over track 4 etc. Pg 20-21 illustrates the voice stealing. Not sure if this is what’s happening though – probably not now that i’ve re-read the manual and OPs original question…
Unison combines all four voices for one track only. In other words Unison is monophonic. One note four voices. What the original poster has pointed out is correct. When Unison is selected and all voicing enabled, checking ‘Use Track Sound’ should when focusing Track 1 play only track 1 in unison mode. Track 2, Track 3 and Track 4 the same with respective Track Sounds selected. I too think this is a bug and should be submitted.