Unemployment VS Increased Prices due to shortage

On Topic:
free money In the US, maybe it is the perfect time to list that unused gear.

Off topic:
sob story? I’m assuming you’ve never had payroll withdrawn from your account. It’s atrocious. Painful really, especially when it’s more than you grossed for the week like me for the last few months.

I have many clients that have laid off workers refusing to go back to work because of how much they are getting. These businesses are suffering and some will not make it. It’s a shame and embarrassing how people are treating this like a revolution. Real bummer, I just hope it’s not the start of something worse.



All I got is anecdotes. I had a friend that was forced to sell some gear due to layoff and not being eligible for unemployment due to varying circumstances. But he’s been back to work for 3 weeks now.
Two other friends who are at the same company were “work from home” for a few weeks, then on unemployment for 2 weeks (furloughed) and then their company got in on the PPP (US) so they went back to work rather quickly. Still working from home entirely.

Otherwise, many gig economy workers who weren’t eligible for unemployment benefits before are getting $600 a week from the federal gov’t plus some state unemployment (usually at least $150 a week), which, for some, is more than they were making before.

So all these people are making money, and most are spending it. The supply vs demand hasn’t actually changed too much over here.

I know some gig economy workers are spending a bit less, since that $600/week is only good through the end of July unless the federal legislature passes an extension. Republican leadership doesn’t want to, but they’re getting pressure from inside their ranks. Dems want it to go to January.
Many gig workers are saving and not spending, due to uncertainty and also (rightfully) not feeling safe/protected/comfortable returning to work. Most are underinsured in this county, as affordable insurance is tied to employers, and so getting sick is a huge risk for them.



It will work. For a while.


Read this the other day, interesting idea.

  • but he says you have to spend it in 10 days or lose it (so like a gov’t gift card where the balance expires)

I’d definitely buy some more gear!

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Please don’t extend that xtra $600 to January, paying people to not work is the new American dream I guess. I know some employers are reporting people that have been asked back but refuse.

It’s funny that people are payed to stay home yet business got forgiven loans for payroll. How can the two coincide?

Can’t blame them. For many it is not safe. Why risk your health?

Did you hear about the tyson plant that got fully deep cleaned and reopened, only for 570 workers (out of 2,000) to test positive?

There are myriad industries, jobs, employment opportunities in America. Some can stay at home and work (and benefit from the PP), others have to go out in public and risk their health.


It’s the opposite, for used items at least. Items are flying off the shelves at Reverb, etc. Every item I’ve put up has gone super quickly. There has been so little inventory on Reverb. And prices have been a good bit higher.


I wonder why that is/ Perhaps the shops are increasing their prices. But if theres a loss of salaries surely the market will say its a bad time to sell second hand as nobody has spare money for hobbies etc?

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One has the right to work. One has the right to not work.

A huge issue in all of this is that the states in the US forced people out of work. By dictate, they have prevented people from earning a living. Philosophically, that is a pretty significant problem. I believe one could argue that this is a violation of human rights and I don’t see this continuing with or without a resurgence in sickness this year or next.

You can’t choose to implode your economy and then leave your people out in the cold.


I could be a hypocrite here and say just go to work but as I’m typing this I’m hiding in my basement office working from Home. I get it, I’m kind of wimp with all this. Luckily I can work 99% remotely. I also understand that many could have dire results if infected. Also, I know the $$ is helping certain people. It’s the people on the front lines that will reap no benefits as those that are more than capable stay home collecting extra cash. It doesn’t seem fair but who am I to judge.

I should just put myself as unemployed and get that extra cash but I’d feel to grody.

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Just for reference, the majority of my clients have work from home in place and they cannot get their employees back from that extra cash. They are the ones reporting them.

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I don’t think they are choosing to implode the economy. That’s silly. They are trying to keep sickness from spreading.
Everything seems like BS till someone you know or love is affected.

Unfortunately because the belief is more people equals greater nation, better economy, the higher density is ripe for shit like this to happen.

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Most of that will run out by August. My wife was making more unemployed but has found a new and better job. Simply put, unemployment doesn’t last forever. Most people are afraid to go back to work because you can’t make money dead.

The US Supreme Court supports states absolutely having the right to stop the economy in the interest of preserving public health. The economy recovers, dead people don’t.
That said, this is only the beginning of the recession. Expect more(or less.)


Prices are rising everywhere, because the stock market tanked and is at an all time low and also messed up the currencies world wide.

So you see jacked up prices everywhere. Here pretty much all electronics and instruments, etc have gone up 10-20% average last two months.

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I will say where I’m at driving about you wouldn’t know anything is wrong minus the masks, lines, and distancing. Business as usual, it’s crazy. Have a swimming pool client and they are the busiest they have ever been. Odd really but here’s to hope!


Choices have consequences and it most certainly was a choice to force businesses to close, though.

I’m not saying it is BS, my sister had a friend that died from it back in March. What’s BS is not allowing people to choose for themselves how they would like to proceed. Not comfortable? Stay home. Ain’t care? Go to work. Back to my statement above about having the right to work, just as you have the right not to work.

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Pool builders are charging hefty premiums right now and it takes weeks just to get a quote where we live.

its like smoking…the non smoker doesn’t seem to have rights.
good luck telling a smoker outdoors that they can’t smoke near you.



As an ex smoker (5 Years now) I apologize as now I know how others felt when I lit up.


CONGRATS! :+1:t6:

its tuff!