Undo problem : OS problem or in my A4?

I’m curious who also have many problems with the undo function of the A4.
This is to check whether this is an OS problem or in my A4.
I see in the background only undo tekst but the main text changed nothing.
And als no undo function effected.

I have report this problem but have no response yet.

Thanks and enjoy the good work !

i read in another thread that if you receive midi clock signals the undo function in A4 will sometimes not work …

do you midi clock externally?

I have experienced this problem. using MIDI clock and then deleted things etc then lost the ability to undo.

pretty frustrating.

the main reason you cannot undo even just a half second after the unwanted action is due to clock slaving.

And this is frustrating, i know.

Now i am running OT as transport master but no clock sharing, =(

Yes I do.

OT is master, than A4 and than second OT (Master - Slave- Slave)
The second OT have no problems with undo, only the A4.
I had expect that it wil undo like the OT.

Happy to hear it is an OS- A4 problem not my A4.
but frustrating it is.

Enjoy !

I would like to have this addressed in future update

besides undo being effected try this. place 16 triggers while the A4 is receiving a midi clock. now try to remove all the triggers by pressing the trigs one at a time. some will take multiple presses to remove.