Undo Function Not Working


I have this problem on both my A4 and AR:

Say I want to remove everything in the sequencer. I press Func+Clear. All good, all sequencer information is removed. But, then say I want to undo this. On the OT I press Func+Clear again, and the information returns to the sequencer.

But, on the A4 and the AR this doesn’t work. The trig-information doesn’t come back at all. (Although I can see the A4/AR saying “Undo…” on the display, where the kit information is.) Does anyone know why this is?

First I thought there was something wrong with my A4, but now when the undo function on both machines doesn’t work, I reckon there must be some kind of setting somewhere which causes this to happen?

If anyone could help me I’d be so grateful!

Ok, really weird. It worked one time, but then when I tried it again it didn’t.

Could my both my machines be faulty at the same time? Hmh!

No, I’ve found the same thing on the AR. Undo hardly ever works for me. I’ve lost quite a few patterns that way.

If I recall, on the A4 at least you can only undo this until the pattern returns to step 1 after completing it’s cycle.

In other words if you have a single bar pattern (16 steps) and you clear on step 1, you must undo by step 16.

Sounds like this bug got carried over to the AR. It’s one of the reasons I sold my A4, it’s very frustrating.

I always thought the UNDO-function was acting strange on the A4…glad it’s not just me

This seems like a big oversight.

I’ll tell ya what’s a bummer; no undo reload. No+pattern=reload, yes+pattern=save. It’s very easy to hit the wrong combo. I had some badass acid going on after about an hour, I liked it and went to save only I reloaded. And there’s no undo 0.o

…lost a couple of patterns at the beginning :astonished: but it was more of an end-user error… even though it would be nice to have at least one level of undo for everything :smiley: but that would require more on-board memory perhaps, which i would rather see used for new features
what natrixgli mentions is something i would fix, unless you are aware of the procedure (nonetheless, there could be reasons behind the way it works)

(…actually, this got me thinking…mmm… :alien: )