Undo Clear not possible when Ext Clock slaved

Hi guys, i dont know if this has been reported already…i did some combined search with no useful results…


When the A4 is clock slaved to OT i cannot perform the UNDO operation (whatever it is a UNDO CLEAR PATTERN or UNDO CLEAR TRACK).

As soon as i de-activate the CLOCK receive on A4 everything comes back normally.

Can someone else confirm this behaviour?
Even if salved from something else (not OT)

So far i tried MM as master and the issue still be

I’m sure I’ve discussed this before, but the behaviour is known (and somewhat deliberate) and is not viewed as a bug I think. As soon as the tempo varies, even a little, the os assumes a ‘new’ change and effectively blocks that undo, or possibly treats the tempo change as the last variation in the edit buffer. See if undo still works when you delete a pattern and then adjust tempo a fraction and then undo, whilst slaved to nothing!

It’s a pity that the behaviour is configured this way, but it’s been known by hq for a long time

Ok, perfect! Thank u a lot!

I have sent them a ticket anyway…i would not use Bpm changes as something influencing the buffer.

I also remember (not sure anymore) that when i was first getting curious about A4, I saw somewhere that its Patterns would have been linked to Bpm…so each Pattern its own Bpm.

now i am sure i have imagined that :zonked: