i’m on my first song using drummachine, a4, and the op1. i’m at a spot where i like whats happening. (yay).
so i don’t want to lose it.
[li]can mutes be printed/transferred to patterns so only the unmuted parts go? [/li]
[li]how can i the machinedrum remember what was muted so i can get back to where i am? [/li]
[li]and how should i be saving this? i’m currently only using built in machines and not sampling.[/li]
right now i have machinedrum giving 3 patterns and i’m using mutes, so when the track releases i’ll unmute one of the already used patterns to bring the release.
drum arrangement
a1 w/ mutes - groove
a2 w/ mutes- variation on groove
a3 w/ mutes - build up
a1 change to mutes - groove
here is a link, you hear to the build and then the wimpy follow up.
the answer to all your questions may be song mode!
in machinedrum song mode you can make detailed edits for tempo, pattern lengths & offsets, and also mutes…
it’s quite powerful, but also a bit non-intuitive to use… a new thing to learn…
imo, read the section about it in the manual and see if it’s right for you…
-save your kit immediately.
-next, copy the pattern, paste it to a few more pattern slots, then save the kit again to another kit slot.
Now, no matter what you do, you have a baseline version of your work you can refer back to.
The bad news: You can’t save the mutes as you describe it without working with the arranger/song mode (as I see void just mentioned), but you may not want to mess with that at this stage.
Assuming you don’t: You can save versions of your pattern. An easy approach would be to go to copy 2 of your pattern and delete the trigs on all but those tracks you want playing in the intro. On copy 3 delete fewer. Rinse, repeat. Now you can move through your song structure by switching patterns.