Understanding audio over USB and the Digis

So I know that with class compliancy of the Digis, they can be used to pass audio via USB with computers and iPads (anything that can act as a host). Has anyone figured out an easy way to use a Raspberry Pi or something as a go between with other devices that offer USB audio so that any devices that output audio via USB can go into the DN? Since the DIgis aren’t also USB hosts, they need that in-between to work. I can imagine almost making a small USB mixer for multiple devices. The iPad would work, but all the extra routings def. introduce a bit of latency.

A user here has been working on one for a while. It’s coming along well.

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Oh I’ve seen that. It’s not quite what I’m looking for, though. I basically want to be able to take any synth that has audio usb out and find a way to send the audio to the Digis via that USB. Wasn’t sure if there was a Pi script or something someone had written. I did find a cool Pi thing that acts as a USB midi router, but it doesn’t pass audio or work with the iPad.

What would be the benefit to send Audio over USB to the Digitone? Process it with the DN’s FX?

Mainly, it would give you a 2nd set of inputs into the DN. Right now, my live set has the DT into the 1/4in of the DN and the iPad in via USB audio. I can’t do the DN into the DT since the audio input of the DT can’t bypass the compressor.