(un-)free LFOs

LFOs in the A4 are nice and speedy, and very flexible.

But, when using LFOs with faster speeds for sound design, there is a dilemma because LFOs are always synced to sequencer clock. All other elements constituting a sound patch are clock-independent.

This means it’s not so easy to make a sound patch with fast LFO modulation on oscillator pitches or filter frequencies , as it may sound good when used in 120 BPM, but could completely fall apart in other tempos. Cymbal-type sounds would be an example for sounds which suffer from this.

I realise this is how it’s always been with Elektron LFOs, but imho with the Analog Four it would be great to have a really free LFO option.

LFO speeds modulated by key-tracking would be cool too :]

Very good points, on both free-run and keytracking.

Agreed. A sync-able On/Off LFO switch would be best. And regarding the keyboard control to LFO Freq, the Voyager supports switching the third OSC to LFO mode with KB Control. Again a simple KB CON switch in the LFO section would be cool.

I just found this thread and thought it deserved a bump.

Having the option to make LFO frequency absolute, rather than relative to BPM would be neat.

More so, being able to then keytrack the LFO would give us everything we need for basic FM synthesis.

+1 for keytrack here and full keytrack where we currently have a toggle, we’re not all into chromatic stuff !

Shouldn’t keytracking be a modulation source?

in an ideal world yes, but the A4 doesn’t have any modulation sources as such, there’s no modulation matrix at all, only destinations, it’d need to be added in explicitly and as there’s ten items on the lfo pages as is i don’t expect it’ll ever happen

It could live under sound parameters, in the same way as velocity modulation.

doh ! - i suggested that before and completely forgot that and that whole menu - so yeah, it should go in there !
honest, i did :wink:http://www.elektronauts.com/t/a4-feature-request/303page:5