Has anyone used one of these, and if so what are your positive/negative experiences?
Building one right now and can’t wait until I finish… Boards are all done and I added the cv/gate board… I just need to make my case and stuff it… i have wanted the Sequentix but it was out of my price range so went with the SEQV4… As long as you are proficient with a soldering iron and have some electronics experience you should not have a problem… Support on the forum is great if you need help…
I built the SammichSID kit and it is a pretty project, very nice design. There’s also a great and helpful community.
The midisequencer always appealed to me for it’s possibilities to completely design it to your own needs! Problem is that I never had a stable need for a controller, could be a joystick, wii-mote, launchpad, korg nano, keyboard,etcetera. Max always solved my need for a new controller in that area.
I’m not wondering so much about building one (though Cosmosuave, where are you sourcing the case from? I’ve had trouble finding that) as what experience people have had with it in use as a sequencer - I guess especially compared to/integrated with Elektron gear.
hi guys i just got my midibox sequencer v4 and i d like to know if somepne found a solution to sync the pattern change between the midibox and an elektron machine?
Same here… I have yet to attempt it as I am still trying to set it up with all my gear… Currently changing patterns by hand… As for a case I made my own out of some aluminum sheet bent on a brake and wood end cheeks… Turned out fairly well…
it s the best sequencer i ve ever own!!
Beginning to realize this as well although the only other hardware seq I have and still own is the MD…
i really need to sync pattern change, for the moment th only way i found is with midi mixer by sending programm change on channel 14, pc1 go to analog rytm pattern 1 pc2 to pattern2,
but no way to associate a mixer map with a pattern, maybe with song mode, i ll check it tommorow it s time to go sleeping for me, don t hesitate t tell me where you are with pattern change! or other tips with midibox seq!
just found it i think it s the answer, i ll try it today and i ll tell you if i can do whatt we want!
ok so you will have to reactivate the rmx fonction by assigning this function to a button with the mios studio
-use the tool mios 32 file browser here you will see the files on your sd card
-then you will modify the MBSEQ-hw.v4 file with the text edit function
-in my case i will use thescrub button that i don t use to enter the remix menu
-now you will have to check the pinning of the button scrub
it s sr 1 pin 2
-write sr0 pin 0 instead
-now you will assign the button sr1 pin 2 to the remix function
-to do it you check in the text edito the line wrote BUTTON—PATTERN.RMX it s for the moment sr0 pin 0 write instead sr 1 pin 2
save the text file and you can directly use the scrub button to enter the remix menu and use the file that i linked in the previous post!
i’ve all the pcbs and components but have yet to bite the bullet and start soldering. anyone who has built one have a rough estimate on build time?
I’ve been procrastinating for months as I fear it will take a week, non-stop soldering and troubleshooting! maybe it’s simpler than that.
my friend made mine in 4 days. but he had already build lot of midibox, he said the longer was to build the box with wood and put on the frontpanel that we bought
Is there still an issue with RevC LPCXpresso fit on the Core LPC17 Module? Did anyone manage to get RevB versions anywhere? I’m tempted to get building this - it looks cool…
Thanks for the pattern Rmix tip but I knew about that… I thought you were phrasing the question in regards to changing patterns on the MD from the SEQV4… I had some issues with the pattern Rmix due to making differnt cahnges to my session that I had to start a new session for it to appear… Currently on this new session i will go and check pattern rmix after I have made a change to see what is causing the issue… I have only beenusing mine for a couple of weeks still lots to learn and to come up with a work flow… I was going to use it for a show on the 17 but decided against it as I am still not comfortable with it do a live set…
As for build time mine took 8 months but I took my time… the longest part was desiging a case… Building the boards should only take you under a month if you are making the basic unit… I added a QUADIIc and the AOUT… Take your time and it should go smoothly…
i have an issue too with the rmx, i can t assign the map mixer with a pattern, apparently it was an old version bug that reappear, i posted this issue to the midibox forum,
and what you think about recording the program change send by the elektron in the midibox first step of each pattern to replay it on each pattern beginning? do you think it would work? i ll try it when i ll get back home
I am not sure of the Rmix issue and I am still scratching my head about Mixer Map because I don’t understand the concept… As for program change… SEQV4 is set as master and I use the all button to assign the program change # for all the steps… This has been working fine on all my gear DP/4 , Minitaur , MKS-30… Sorry man like I said I am still in the learning phase with this piece of gear…
i found the way to change pattern automaticaly on the midibox seq when i change pattern on the elektron!
it was so easy!!
in the midi menu go to external cntrol, turn knob 12 until you arrive on function prg change and with the 15 knob select pattern and you got it!
pattern will always correspond on the elektron and the midibox!
midibox seq v4 is really the best sequencer !!!there is always the possibility to do what we want!
Really want one but haven’t gotten up the gaul to try build one. I heard it ends up around the $700 mark (which is still more than half the price of a cirklon - thanks exchange rate).
I’ve built shruthi’s and ambikas but this looks a little more challenging.