Two EP's for piano and glitch - newly released

I made some changes to my alias and along with that I released two EP’s worth of material on my newly created bandcamp page. I invtite you to take a listen. Both EP’s are avaliable in “pay what you want” format so invite you to grab them. If you feel that they are worthy of any, as small as you may think of, financial contribution I will be very thankful. But as it may be - I’ll be happy either way if you will give me your time.

The first one - Behaviors contains previously unreleased material composed of recordings done with the use of generative sequencers triggering piano notes and microsounds that I manipulated live. That was later recomposed ever so slightly in order to create the final pieces.

Piano Explorations 1 on the other hand contain recordings done out of improvisations on piano and glitch sounds that were later edited out to form the compositions.

You can have a peek at the second album here as well:


Listening to behaviours right now
This is really really nice
Love the textures and glitches with the piano, works really well
i take it you used some elektron equipment, if so what?

Unfortunately - I did not. I’m on here as I owned an Octatrack I had to sell and after that I’m in love with Elektron creations, currently gathering money for one of them.
It was all done in software, the only hardware I used was the keyboard.

And thank you very much, I’m very happy to hear that!
Apart from an upcoming noise EP on sqrt label I have some plans for another series of my piano explorations but that will come with time.

Quite enjoying these.

I would download, but i dont have any cash in my paypal account, and i dont want to take it for free!

really beautiful! love it!! great work
thanx so much!

after listening for a while i find the albums musically superb
but i would highly recommend to do mastering somewhere - i find overall level of the tracks quite low
keep on composing!!

Thank you all for the kind words. They really mean much being the kind of person I am.

@Rael - please don’t let it stop you. You can always contribute later if you feel you should.

@njeremic - I thought the levels weren’t so low but I must have adjusted to my speakers too much and it must have fooled me. I am well aware of that anyway and I only did a very slight bump in levels as I am not knowledgable enough to do it myself in this kind of music. Any future release will go through a real mastering process - I can promise that. Actually my improv noise EP is going through it as we speak :slight_smile: