Twisted Electrons Twist

I hate this superbooth.
So much cool stuff.



This looks and sounds amazing. Wow. Wanted my next synth purchase to be a hands on FM thing without too many menus and screens and this is ticking all those boxes.


I’d be picking this up if the Isla Caladan FM cards weren’t doing a similar thing!

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Apparently the filter is based on or taken from the Oberheim Xpander. I don’t know too much about it but it seems cool -

Most synth users find the filter gives a synthesizer its character and uniqueness. On the Xpander, instead of the ubiquitous low‑pass design, there are 15 filter modes — low‑pass, high‑pass and band‑pass, notch (the reverse of band‑pass), and phase‑shifter — all in various rolloffs and combinations. And this was when high‑pass filtering was seen as exotic! The range of sound options instantly available is huge. Just grabbing the filter mode knob and changing from a simple low‑pass to a high‑pass with phase shifter will transform any sound. The filter also has a three‑pole low‑pass mode of the kind favoured by the TB303 and its clones, for instant dance appeal, with weird resonance too.


Can’t wait to hear what you can get out of it :slight_smile:


I thought it was just a LP filter but it does say Multimode filter in the feature list above :+1:t2:

Yeah there’s a “type” fader next to cutoff and resonance. Which should be LFO modulatable too…

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Two things I would like to say. First is just for you to know a thing or two about mentioned topic (because of your words “filter is based on or taken from the Oberheim Xpander. I don’t know too much about it”):

There is this paper:

Scroll to page 19 to chapter Multi-Mode Filters.
This simple math is why the selection of modes is as it is and also - why Modal 008 had exactly same modes. People sometimes were telling (wrongly) that 008 has same filter, even despite designers telling that it is novel design (what’s more: 008’s VCF is discreet). And the reason why I so much love my 008 - because it has novel character, not heard anywhere else.

Second thing is that myth that should be debunked already:

The filter also has a three‑pole low‑pass mode of the kind favoured by the TB303 and its clones

For best source of knowledge, people, who are interested in further explanation, should check following page:

And look at that! The address of page has another clue! :smiley: There is “diode” in string of letters. ;] If someone ever asked me, why I love Roland’s filters so much, it is because I love OTA designs, that are calibrated to “unity” at max resonance, but what I love more than Roland’s OTAs are Roland’s diode ladder filters. THIS is the reason for that squelchy sound of TB-303, not mythical 3-pole filter.

This isn’t a rant. I just wanted to share some knowledge, because quoted paragraph related to so many things that I love or like. :]



Finally!! Thank you very much!

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If this ships in October for about $1K, we only have to save ~$225/month.


both of the video demos sound unreal. this is one of the best sounding synths i have ever heard. gonna need this one


Really looking forward to hearing more demos of this. Seems to be a super raw sounding synth, but should be very versatile too.

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Demos sound interesting !

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Early days I know, but wondering about the MIDI implementation.

Does it send CC for every slider? And receive the same?

If so I better start saving :smiley:

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Someone who ownes one of TE’s recent devices can correct me if I’m wrong, but i think the midi implementation for both sending and receiving has been very thorough. Like nearly every parameter. I’m thinking of the megafm and the blastbeats.


A proper FM poly synth with tons of faders, no menus to page through?

Yes please.