Twisted Electrons Twist

I only saw a photo from Limbic Bit’s Instagram. A retro FM synth with analog filters. Will add more info as I find it.


It seems to have the same waveforms as the Blast Beats, and the same FM algos but with a couple of extra 2-op options.

I quite like the new faders setup for the LFOs.

And I guess that’s a touch strip of some kind?


Could it be based around the Yamaha 2149 FM (PSG) chips used in the atari ST? The name “TWIST” follows that naming convention at least in theory (ie hapiNES, therapSID, BLASTbeats, MEGAfm, etc).

Either way, adding a third FM synth is an interesting choice.


Looking at the image I can make out that two of the operators, operator1 and operator5, have: algo, vol, feed(?), wav, fat(op1)/tune(op2), mult, and a/d/s/r faders.

The other four operators, 2/3/4/6 all have vol, wav, mult, and a/d/s/r faders.

So that would make it a 6-op synth, except that we can only see 4-op algos on the top, so I’m not sure what the structure is exactly. I might be misreading the labels.

Can’t wait to hear a demo of it!

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Oh snap must buy!

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Good eye. I just noticed that OP5 and OP6 have their own little algos next to the other 4OP algos. So it has to have some kind of multi-timbrality, I would guess!

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking too, it’s just a little hard to make out the numbers on the 2-op markings.

Could that be essentially just another ‘oscillator’? Like you could use 5+6 for a sub osc or whatever.

Looks like it has a filter section with cutoff and resonance too, really nice to see that as it’s something I wish was integrated into the MEGAfm tbh.

Wow, i Will sure keep an eye out for This one

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Sounds very interesting. Like a MEGAfm with analog filters! Limbic Bits mentioned it has analog filters?

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Blade Runner 2049 vibes near the end there.


Obviously an insta-buy but also what is this thing on the top right? It would be irresponsible not to speculate…


It uses the same knobs as the MEGAfm from the looks of it so could be built by Twisted Electrons too? We need some inside info asap :grin:

It has soft footswitches on it and DIN midi / USB both visible coming out of the back, so it most closely resembles a midi foot controller of some sort. I assume that they’re using it to toggle routing for the synths they’re demoing to the keyboard controller without having to physically touch the laptop, or maybe they’re dawless and have a patch bay somewhere?

Don’t know what the encoders control, might be selecting bank and channel, might be assignable, it’s not being used in the video so really no way to know.

We can’t see the right hand side of it, so there could be audio in/out. My first thought was some kind of prototype FX unit. Haven’t seen any better footage of that booth yet so it’s hard to say.

Twist FM was certainly my favorite synth at the Superbooth.
Vintage FM plus analog multi mode filter for each voice. Great sound


The only thing I’ve really missed on the MegaFM is a filter. So this looks really cool

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Wow, every machine that TE makes is special and unique. I didn’t want to spend more money in synths :sweat_smile:


This is definitely an instabuy since MEGAfm is already my favourite synth. Can’t wait for your future sound pack :grin:


According gear news, the price is under 1000. Too much for me if it’s close to 1000, but I wish all the best for TE. He makes awesome devices

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Any word on what the actual chips are? Ah, Gear News says its the same as in the blast beats YMF262/OPL3 FM