Hello again! it feels like all im doing is begging answers for question but honestly i did have a search around and cant figure this one out. for the life of me i cannot get turbo midi to work at all. in the menu nothing can be selected for turbo midi either on my A4 or AR. i was reading this thread http://www.elektronauts.com/t/benefits-of-turbo-via-direct-connect/2568/19871
tried it but still cant figure it out. i want to connect said A4 and A4 (AR slaved to A4) i am finding a bit of lag between the two, especially in chains and song mode.
like always - any help will greatly be appreciated.
It’s my (perhaps wrong?) understanding that turbo midi is only for sysex transfers…
There shouldn’t be ANY lag between your modules if you’re using midi. I’ve never seen anyone have this issue before…
thanks a lot for getting back to me! i thought it was posiible from reading the previous thread that turbo midi could be turned on between the two machines. but yes there is a bit of lag between the two machines. at first i thought it may have been just effects that where clashing…then i was blaming psycho acoustics…but then i muted everything but the click tracks and then i could here a noticble amount of lag. no sometimes it is worse than others for some reason, which is really annoying
You’ve got transport and clock send both enables on the master unit and t transport and clock receive on the slave? If so, (for example), using the A4 as master, the Rytm should say EXT. Does it?
Yes, I have the a4 to send clock, send transport. To not receive clock and to not receive transport.
I have the AR set to receive clock and receive transport and to not send either.
When I hit the tempo button on the AR it says Ext. But the tempo jumps constantly… So at the moment the A4 is set to 127 but the AR is jumping from 126.9 to 127.1 constantly
I only have this problem when using ableton as a lock source. I stopped it and now just use the transport function and manually set the BPM. You don’t have USB sending clock by mistake at all? I’m out of ideas