Trouble with BT & XT classic - MK1 vs MK2 different?

Does the mp3 file refer to the new machine?

Nope, that was the old one.

The new one is great, no need to upload. Steady nice and even got the impression the BT Bass sounds better, more defined. But maybe that is just becuse its more stableā€¦

Anyhow, now its joyjoyjoy to program new basslines and also stable enough for life perf.

Yes, you did. Thanks man for pushing that.

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Nice! So you didnā€™t experience volume drop at all when programming BT sequences? No decay overlapping?

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Not different in each loop, no.

The decay overlapping and ducking is the analog natureā€¦ but it repeats now consistently. Or if I avoid it, it does not. Before it always happened (but irregularly).

i have this same issue. thank you for going thru the trouble to figure this out, and the unfortunate solution of swapping the device. how does that process work? do you have to send in your AR first? also how easy is it to backup your machine? does it have to be done ultra slow via midi/sysex or can it be done with elektron transfer (USB?) or even overbridge (which i have not installed and would rather avoid)?