Triqtraq app to prepare loops for OT

Triqtraq is a jam sequencer for iOS, and was updated today to version 1.3 with internal sample recording, WIST and iOS 7 support.

In case you don’t know yet what this app can do, have a look here:

A great tool to prepare loops for the Octatrack, ask Mr. Dataline about it!


this looks outstanding! is it your app?
sounds great too.

Yes, I worked on it together with two friends. I did the concept for the app and the sound-design of the sample library.

There’s a lot possible… like different loop lengths and speeds for each channel and for each automation. It can get pretty crazy and complex :joy:

For instance, you can set up a channel to behave like an arpeggiator. Like this:

Unreal. Looks like a winner

I’ve had this for around a year - it’s great!

Wow, this is extremely well done! I haven’t had so much fun on the iphone since Figure. Bravo!

Easily one of the best and most underrated IOS Apps out there.

Had it for about a year and keep on coming back to it!

Go ahead and try it out!

That’s very cool.

Apps like this are the only thing I miss about iOS

That’s why we made it :wink:

Quiet you, before I buy an iPad Mini or iPod Touch and throw money at you.

Quiet you, before I buy an iPad Mini or iPod Touch and throw money at you.

Amazing video!

Cheers, here’s another one.

Totally improvised from scratch:

Great app. trying it out now and it is for sure the best use of the touch interface for a seqeuncer.

Now when will Apple develop a usable file system so these fantastic sequencers can be easily put to use without jumping through hoops?

I have yet to try recording audio loops- should be great with the sharp pitching!

Just finished playing triqtraq (and OP-1) on a 6 hour bus ride. I hadn’t touched it in a while, and I forgot how intuitive it is! Just a really well thought out interface: triqtraq.

Cheers, good to hear that!

Had this since it first came out, one of a few iOS apps that I go back to, the reason being it does not try to do too much and does what it does very well, I hope that it will always be like this. Not tried the update yet, but will deffo check it soon.

Is there an iPad interface for it as well, or does it just scale up the iPhone UI?