Triplets how?

…er, guys…do u read before u post…?

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This sounds correct to me from what I know,
think they have just called it 3/4 as in 3 beats in the same time it would take to do 4 beats

time signatures are a totally different thing

Sorry man but don’t think you are correct, think you are talking about time signatures,
Or maybe I’m not understanding the way you explained it

For clarity:
A 3/4 time signature refers to the number of beats per measure.
A triplet refers to the number of notes per beat (i.e. a 1/4-note triplet would have 12 notes in a standard 4/4 measure)

A triplet can exist in any time signature, 3/4 or 4/4.


In the scale menu on Elektron machines, 3/4 is a multiplier, not a time signature.

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that is correct, i stand corrected !

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or in 7/8 or 9/16 etc. the triplet takes the value of one count of the scale (i.e. 1/8th notevalue in a 7/8 scale, or 1/16th in a 9/16 scale). So in stead of one 1/8th pulse on a count, there are three pulses with the same total length as one 1/8th pulse. How to do that on Elektron devices a don’t know yet, because I have a Digitone for just one day. On Roland TR8-S it is very easy to do, so I imagine that it should be no problem. At least you could record your beats in LIVEREC mode, disable quantize and play it yourself.

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How can you have triplets in a 3/4 time signature, when the pulse is three beats per measure? I thought you could only have tuplets that don’t match the pulse of the time signature

It doesn’t matter how many beats per measure are indicated in the time signature, as the actual beat is what is divided into three. So if you have a 3/4 time signature, there would be nine 1/4-note triplets notes per measure (three 1/4-notes x 3)


You can have 8th note triplets 16th note triplets 32 note triplets etc,
What You are talking about how many times you can have them in a measure

super confusing discussion… so is it possible? :yum:

I just do it with microtiming as it is easier when you want to mix triplets with non triplets


is this how an ordinary psytrance triplet would look like / be done?

I’d highly advise against ordinary psytrance triplets, but yeah, that’s how you could do them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Alternatively you could take the +1/24 trigger, move it to the next step and give it -1/48.

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Read the manual.

Try the options.



Give thanks for all the replies!!
I used the micro timing of 1/48 and seen to get the desired effect.

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…amen…break…triple yeahs…forever…
…beyond trap…beyond ragga…beyond psytrance…
…for gods sake…only…trip…let…go…

I finally got what you mean, my brain insisted on interpreting “beat” as “bar”. But wouldn’t it be three 1/8 note triplets per quarter note beat? To be clear, I’m not trying to be difficult :slight_smile:

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Actually, I misrepresented the count, but the fundamental idea is the same: a triplet can occur in any time signature. Here’s a pretty good breakdown that might help clear up how they should be counted: