Triggering slices live

ok so i have just been discovering the joys of triggering slices live using live recording mode and tweaking parameters in this way - loads of fun, very cool.

unfortunately, for some reason i cannot fathom, the crucial element of this has ceased to work.

so up until now my basic process has been -

-resample onto flex recorder
-engage ‘slices’ mode (FUNC + UP/DOWN)
-play with trigs live until a good rhythm comes up
-engage live rec mode (REC+PLAY)
-tap in slices manually.

i thought it was strange that this worked with out first changing playback mode to slices and slicing the buffer… but it did, so i just kept going.

now (even if i slice the buffer and change playback mode) i cannot tap out the slices manually whilst the sequencer is running. it works fine whilst the sequencer is stopped.

what have i missed? any thoughts?

all input much appreciated. :slight_smile:


Are you in live recording mode (rec + play) ?
A corrupt project ?

I don’t get why this happens unless you forgot that or the SLICE ON parameter …

You should see all the triggers light up solid green while in live rec mode.

With the SLICE set to OFF it works but instead of the slices you trigger the next offset starting from the start of the sample.

yeps - sorry y’all. changed the QPL setting.



thanks mate - actually enjoying doing it on the fly without switching slices on… less parameters to change