Triggering midi from Ableton to Rytm

I think my last post got deleted, I have no idea why. My question is how do I trigger midi notes from ableton to my Rytm

My setup works for my A4 so I know everything is good on Ableton side, but when I set up my Rytm exactly as the A4
My midi config is set to Midi + USB for inputs etc, then I tried just Midi to see if different and nothing happens.

When I sync Abletons midi sync for out, the AR starts to play the same pattern it’s currently set at, so it’s not a sync issue with AR and Ableton, they sync, the problem is when I try triggering midi notes from Ableton, AR does nothing.

I checked the channels, each channel is set to corresponding track, channel 1 is from track 1 and so on.

Can anyone help me here?