Hy, I’m trying to trigger my acustic drum with a MD.
Someone could tell me if it is possible to associate to each track, as well as a kit, a different mapping trigger?
Thanks in advance.
Hy, I’m trying to trigger my acustic drum with a MD.
Someone could tell me if it is possible to associate to each track, as well as a kit, a different mapping trigger?
Thanks in advance.
Hey Jester
didn’t you mean it the other way round?
so triggin a MD with an accoustic drum?
Hi Hag,
i don’t get it. What do you mean?
Hag is talking about Global->Routing->input - which is where you put a microphone or piezo or something into the MD audio input, and you can route it to control the trigger of an MD track.
I think the routing you choose here is indeed, as the menu implies, global (so it always triggers the same track, regardless of kit).
You do have a few separate global ‘slots’ to make different assignments though…
For what you asked about - triggering an acoustic drum - I would route a MD track to a single output, then build some sort of solenoid / hammer mechanism that you can trigger via an audio signal.
Did the OP ever have any luck with this? I am starting down this path and since it’s an undocumented in the manual I am confused…
OP never clarified what exactly he was trying to do.
I gave suggestions for both ways though - I use it as live input to trigger the synthesis and it works great.
So what are you trying to do?
OP never clarified what exactly he was trying to do.
I gave suggestions for both ways though - I use it as live input to trigger the synthesis and it works great.
So what are you trying to do?[/quote]
Use it with external drum pads to trigger the MDUW sounds.
Check Trig In A/B in the Global Routing page - detailed in the Global Settings section of the manual page62 os1.63 version
Yea it’s all in the manual.
You can get away with all sorts of crappy signal going into the MD, but the better your trigger signal (it needs to be audio) the better it will work.
Thanks for the replies, got it to work.