This has been doing my head in as well as I’m trying to get my head round biologik’s transition trick using disconnected tracks. This is what i have discovered.
The trig quantize settings in the pattern settings and audio attributes apply to different situations
As I understand, one applies to launch quantize of disconnected tracks, (set to plays free) whose launch is available on the first 8 trig keys in Tracks Mode and the other applies to launch quantize of the trigging of samples on tracks whether they are connected or not, with the sequencer running and available on the last 8 trig keys in Tracks Mode.
So for example if I have track one sequenced to play a 4/4 kick beat (from an individual kick sample) but set the track to “plays free” (disconnect it), trig mode one2 and trig quant to track length, the first of the 8 trig keys will both start the sequencer AND trig the whole kick sequence right on beat. If I set the sequencer running first however by pressing play and then trig key 1, the kick will launch as per it’s trig quantize setting of “track length”.
On track 2 I have a hat sequence (of individual hat samples) also set to plays free, one2 and trig quant to trk length. As the sequencer has already been started by the kick track the hat sequence will now follow it’s trig quant setting…i,e if I trig it on the first beat of the third bar in a four bar sequence it will not start playing till the beginning of the next pattern loop cycle.
As they are both set to a trig mode of One2 , pressing the track trig key again will stop the track as per the trig quant setting.
This from the pattern settings section of the manual
TRIG QUANT is only available when the PLAYS FREE setting is activated.
It allows both quantized start and stop of the playback of the tracks. Note that the sequencer needs to be playing for this setting to have any effect.
And this is from the manual for the setting that exists in the audio editor.
makes it possible to quantize manual trigging of recorder buffers,
Pickup machines and Flex and Static samples
and slices. Manual trigging is done by for
example pressing [TRACK]+[PLAY] or the last eight TRIG] keys. Samples initiated by the sequencer will not be
Although it doesn’t stipulate it here, this quantize setting also only takes effect with the sequencer running. If you press one of those last eight keys with the sequencer stopped they will trig the sample assigned to that track directly
So in my example above the first of the last eight trig keys (trig 9) will trig the kick sample as a one shot. With the sequencer stopped it will trig it directly with no delay. But with the sequencer running it will trig it according to the quantize setting for that track in the audio attributes page.
As for loops as I understand, the loop settings in the playback setup are master loop settings. The loop settings in the audio editor are individual settings. By setting the loop to auto in the playback setup for example, individual track loop settings can be applied.
micrOcOsm, how do you have your one shot set up ? Sequencer trigged or
manual ? Plays free ? Have you got “one shot track” ticked in pattern settings ?