Trig 1 Suddenly Not Working

Hi all!

I bought my Digitakt about two weeks ago and I’ve been enjoying it so much. However, recently today Trig 1 stopped working.

I had been downloading Overbridge (before discovering it doesn’t exist yet for Digitakt), restarted the computer and suddenly any sample under Trig 1 isn’t working. In the Source page the Level is stuck at zero, and everytime I try to increase it it automatically jumps back down. This is so frustrating to me… All other samples play as normal. Can anyone please help or anyone have some ideas of what could be going on here?

PS. I’ve reset my Digitakt but to no avail.


It does. Beta 30 works fine so far with OS 1.11.

Try starting a new project, no usb connected to check if the problem persists.

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Sounds like you’ve got some kinda external midi issue or possibly some loop back can you detail your setup and current midi connections?

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I factory reset my Digitakt and it worked for a while, but the problem just came back now after having transferred samples via the Transfer app. Could it be something with the USB?

My setup is super simple at the moment, it’s literally just the Digitakt connected to my audio interface plus the USB cable.

Update: The problem does go away when I start a new project and disconnect the USB cable. Thank you for your suggesting this. However does anyone know why this is? It’s not the end of the world but very annoying, and if I’m going to use overbridge I’ll need to keep the USB cable connected.

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Does it happen only when the cable is connected or do you also have a daw running?

It happens with the DAW running. I don’t know if it happens otherwise as I don’t know how to get sound from the Digitakt without the DAW. I’m a total noob when it comes to hardware tech.

There exists a standalone program which comes with the Overbridge BETA. That should be good enough to just get the sound from the Digitakt …

Would you mind sharing how I get the Overbridge BETA? I can’t seem to find it on Eektron’s website…?



Thank you!