Trick for ratcheting CV/Gate

Not sure if anyone else has come up with or shared this recipe, but I just figured out this trick to do ratcheting on an external synth via CV/gate and I figured other people would get some use from it. It’s a twist on the standard CV/Gate pair where you replace the gate channel with a VALUE LIN channel and “fake” the gate pulse using a square wave LFO. The main downside is that you lose the ability to set note length, but if you’re doing anything with ratcheting you’re likely using short note durations anyway.

Take your normal gate channel and change it to LIN
On the LFO page for the channel set:
• SPD to 63
• MUL to x16
• WAV to SQR
• MOD to ONE
• DST to VAL
• DEP to 127

This makes it so that a 1/16th note square wave pulse is sent every time a note is triggered (1/32nd high, 1/32nd low).

Now, enter steps in record mode like you normally would, but to get a step to “ratchet” you need to P-Lock the LFO MOD to TRG and LFO MUL to whatever rate you want for the ratchet. You can also mess with LFO SPD to get odd ratchet values.



:thup: Not trying to steal your thunder, but I thought i’d shared the technique before but described how you could retain note length info and ratchet

anyway, along these lines

CVA Pitch
CVB Value Lin

ENV1 to Value Lin B Value
LFO1 to ENV1 Sustain

Set ENV1 to be a resetting (with dot) analog style gate shape, so it will record note duration, but set 0 for time domain components and set sustain to max

Set the LFO to Trig and Phase to taste (Speed 32 allows tempo related effects and fine tuning each way into triplets etc)

P-Lock the LFO depth to minus -128 for the steps where you want to ratchet
P-Lock the rates for all the ratchet fun

It helps when you have a snappy envelope on the receiving device to hear the ratcheting :wink:


No thunder stolen! I did some searching but couldn’t find anything so I put up out the idea. Always good to compare notes!

Mods, feel free to merge threads :thup: