Traveling Overseas with gear

Hey there, I’m in the process of moving from Australia to North America (Canada) for a year or two for a work / holiday adventure.

So i’m trying to work out what gear will be practical to take (i’d love to take it all!), narrowed it down to just taking Ocatatrack, SPACE and my laptop.

My question was has anyone taken hardware synths as carry-on luggage and had issues? I just assume that these devices like an ocatrack, pedal effects etc might be seen as a ‘bomb’ kinda device and raise issues.

I’m going to call the airline and ask about it, but just wondered if anyone else has had any or no issues taking this sort of thing on a plane? :slight_smile:

Traveled by plane plenty of times with my Elektron gear as carryon and never had a single problem.

Dont worry, I travel with the machines all the time. :slight_smile:

Good if you at least have a LID to protect the knobs with.

Taken Elektron gear on planes with no problems. I’ve had them take my Octatrack out to look at it before though…

Thanks for the quick replies, great to hear shouldn’t be much of a hassle.

Yeah i’ve got a ECC-2 bag/protector, so should be fine protector wise.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

took my A4 on easyjet as handluggage, no problem…