Transfer samples from ram into a computer

Hey !

I spend a lot of time to carefully choose my favorite drum sounds and play with it in the DT. Now I would like to reimport all of them on my mac for further processing.

I can’t find an option to transfer all the the raw imported sample into the +drive or in the computer.

Any idea to achieve this without doing spending too much time on this ?


use Elektron’s Transfer app. Click on the Explore tab and it’ll show you the contents of the +Drive, and you can copy them to your Mac. However, that will only copy the raw samples. If you’re looking to re-import sounds rather than samples, probably the easiest way I think would be to resample them on the DT, then use Transfer to get them off the box.

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Thank you SpicySimon, but I was not very clear on my request ha ha sorry. I would like to import on my mac the raw samples used in the ram of a project. In the Elektron transfer app I cannot see the sample loaded in ram

If the samples are in the RAM then I’m pretty sure you’ve got them in the +Drive :slight_smile: Either you loaded them onto the DT using Transfer or you sampled them using the DT, in either case they’re on the +Drive (if you sampled them, they’re probably in the /recorded folder) .

Or do you mean sounds (which are samples plus all the other params you can control, like filter, amp envelope, LFO’s , etc)?

Sure they are on the drive but I can’t know which samples from the drive are used in a project. :upside_down_face:. I could do this manually but maybe there is a trick.

Ah, I don’t think that is easily done, unfortunately! You might try using elk-herd, I’ve never used it but I think it will do what you want: Elk-herd 3.0 public alpha

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Great ! Big thanks Simon

I can confirm that the elk herd suggested here will make your dreams come true.You simply fetch the project to the Digitakt and simply by highlighting the patterns it shows you which samples it uses.

It even has a function where you can clear all the non used samples from the ram.Its a piece of magic.You simply need Google chrome to do it but there is a version here from MrZero which is the creator of this software that even works offline.When you are done with your arrangements you send the project back to the Digitakt and you are all set.

Definitely check it and buy the man a beer for the amazing work he did!!!


Cool ! This tool is dope and helped me a lot to reorganized lots of stuff !!! But I still can’t reimport the sample from the ram ha ha.