Transfer replacing C6?

I’m wondering, does Transfer replace C6? Just asking since C6 doesn’t work on my macOS Catalina, but still, all the sample packs from for my Rytm only give directions on how to use C6 for the transfer.

Now f.x. I’m trying to load the Drum-Enthusiast package to my Rytm MK1. I select all the patches (the .syx files), and upload them with the Transfer application. They transfer allright… but are nowhere to be found on my Rytm. Should Transfer be able to transfer sounds? Or only just samples?

And the Transfer manual never mentions .syx files, only samples.

I can’t remember if transfer works with sysex files or not. I use Sysex Librarian on mac and it works great.

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Wait a minute… does the Rytm actually need the syx files?

So this sample pack I’m uploading, had both a folder with wav files, and a folder with syx files. I can upload the wav files, but what do I need the syx files for? Is it for the sound settings for each wav file?

Sorry I’m just a bit new to this machine.

for an Analog Four/Keys

the sysex pack is marketed for analog four owners, the samples are a free add-on - these are not compatible with the Four and can be used on any device that can work with user samples

There’s a thread or two covering this topic, but essentially Transfer’s capabilities will grow over time until it possibly meets or surpasses what was possible via C6 - sending sysex to a device is supported, but only (obviously by definition system exclusive) if it is being sent to the intended target device - so an A4 .syx will be rejected by an AR


Ahh this makes sense. Thanks!

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