Tracks workflow

Just wondering on workflow ideas for the beats when exporting…as theres 8 tracks I guess most of that could be used for just beats/snares/hats/claps etc. Then you would want to resample that onto 1 track to save tracks for synths etc. But once you bounced that down u have lost control of mixing down those individual beats further down the line. So…Im right in thinking that once your fairly happy with the beats you could save them as a Part and then work on part 2 which would have the sampled beats all on one track. Then once your happy with the track you have always got part 1 which are just 7 or 8 tracks of the beats for indiv mix down/export…Is this correct? Im only on week 3 of Octatrack and still trying to get my head around things…

I went to the same conclusion. Sometime, i just make a sample with the fills and keep control on Bd and Sd. So it just takes 3 tracks. When you produce, 5 extra tracks from rythm are largely enouth. The less tracks, the easiest mix.