Good djing blurs so many lines - what if the set is composed of lots of short snippets all layered on top of each at once? Sometimes the tracks don’t work out of the context of the mix. Sometimes it’s the context of the mix that makes it all work together. Sometimes it really is the mix as a whole that is the work of art here pieced together from crap.
Give the dj some credit - we don’t rant about a guitarist not shouting out the manufacturer of his strings.
Of course this is in regards to good djing - their are definitely plenty of sub-par playlist-only-beatmatched mixes around what with the availability of so much technology and ‘auto-sync’ functions (which is another point - a great dj mix doesn’t always have every track beatmatched).
What exactly is the rant? Do you want the DJ to announce in the middle of his set, in a discordant dj voice: "unt now, this is ze ending of ze deadrat7 song “Faxing Koln”, and here comes the start of Rubberman’s acid banger “Frantic”…this sort of thing? count me out! PGN: please god noooooo…