i think i accidentally press a key combination and now i don´t know how to make it backward.
at the moment my track selection jump from track one, over track two, till track eight, automatically after every pattern cycle. i really down´t know the reason. probably it is just a simple key combination?
my octatrack is sync with logic. maybe there is the probleme?
Yeah, probably Logic sending out something on the OT (auto?) midi channel.
If it´s not: do you have both the MIDI in and out of your OT connected into Logic. It could then possibly be the OT being in a midi loop (with any of its track transmitting something, but getting it back at the same time). In that case you´ll need to check settings in your OT, as you won´t find anything strange in Logic then (it just re-routes the messages).
I´ve had similar confusing issues with my setup sometimes… can take quite some time now and then to figure things out.