Track Selection jump automatically. Help?


i think i accidentally press a key combination and now i don´t know how to make it backward.

at the moment my track selection jump from track one, over track two, till track eight, automatically after every pattern cycle. i really down´t know the reason. probably it is just a simple key combination?

my octatrack is sync with logic. maybe there is the probleme?


Maybe logic is sending midi notes, they can cause it to change track selection.

Yeah, probably Logic sending out something on the OT (auto?) midi channel.

If it´s not: do you have both the MIDI in and out of your OT connected into Logic. It could then possibly be the OT being in a midi loop (with any of its track transmitting something, but getting it back at the same time). In that case you´ll need to check settings in your OT, as you won´t find anything strange in Logic then (it just re-routes the messages).

I´ve had similar confusing issues with my setup sometimes… can take quite some time now and then to figure things out.

Good luck!

Yes, Logic sends Midinotes to every Channel and Octatrack chang the Track Selection. Stupid :slight_smile: , thank you for your Help.