Track Recorder TRIG questions

Hello, Elektron guys. How are you doing?
I have a tiny issue with Track Recorder in OT. The TRIG options are consists of ONE, ONE2, and HOLD. All works fine except for the HOLD option. When using trig recording, HOLD option works just like the other options not like the manual I attached here. Anyone knows what I’m missing? I want to record like the manual example that records the blank while not holding the record button.

Thanks for reading. Wonderful Elektron! I’m looking forward to new gears in 2019!!

Hold works if you hold rec buttons, or with midi notes, not with rec trigs only.
Edit : I’ll check the example in a few minutes.
First I asked myself what’s the point recording silence, but it can be usefull to record audio portions and stay synced.

I gave it a try. As you said It doesn’t seem to record blank but it records incoming signal, even if you don’t hold track + rec buttons…
Can someone else try differently to check and confirm it doesn’t work?

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Hi, so I tried this. Never used Hold mode before so I also learn here.
First three times I get the same result as you describe (recording incoming signal over rlen16).
And suddenly it started to work. And I recorded:

My settings are the same as example but I use OneShotRecTrig at first step and QuickRecMode for one button operation.

I recorded 16steps of silence during first sequencer run because I thought maybe I need to work over something. Don’t know if it was necessary. Sequencer stop. Next I armed OneShotRecTrig, press Play, wait about 8steps to keep a little silence at the beginning then I hold Rec1 and say “boom” in the middle and release Rec1.
And here we are.
What’s the trick? I’m not sure because it started to work every time, but I suppose the order is important:
You have to first set Hold mode then put RecTrig.

No more free time now for more tests so I leave it to you…


It seems it is necessary to get recording that is 16 steps long in this example (silence + recording + silence till end = rlen16).
When I tried the Hold method over empty recording slot the result was the recording didn’t last 16 steps - it was cut when Rec1 button was released (silence + recording only).

More tests needed…


Thanks. :wink: For more obvious tests you need a continuous sound : a jack you touch for example.

After more tests I think I found a solution :

  • Plug a jack in input A
  • Choose INAB = A, RLEN = 16 steps, Hold
  • Set a one shot rec trig with a silent source, like INCD = – (Unselect other sources by holding the rec trig : only INCD has to be highlighted)
  • exit Grid Recording
  • touch and hold the jack tip or play a continuous sound
  • Arm with YES
  • Press Track + REC1 (RECAB) several times


I was messing awhile with Hold mode, adding RecTrig and removing and still didn’t get how to find interesting use for this and I was disappointed I cannot do simply overdubbing…

And the second source was the thing I had missed. Now the joy begins. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Don’t you think something is missing in the manual example?

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The manual example statement:

will be always true if there is second source with silence being recorded!?
You amaze me with how you catch and connect those elements the others are still missing. :thup:

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Seems to work with a different silent source plocked on rec trig but apparently it is not precised in the example.

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Anybody knows the solution for this little issue? Does OT mk2 work in the same way?

:no_mouth:You didn’t read our posts? :roll_eyes:

I know only 1 behavior difference between MKI and MKII due to Midi button so I suppose it should behave the same. @WeirdFishes you confirm?

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Would this not be possible if all inputs are in use? Seems like a little oversight somewhere imho… Will do some testing myself hopefully tonight.

Never thought of using the Hold option before, but would be nice to improv some small repeating clips etc… My issue is ABCD are all in use all the time.

You can select SRC3 = –

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I confirm, both MKI and MKII behave the same except multiplying pickup recording lenght that MKII cannot.
Elektron crew missed this building new user interface.


Hello, Elektronauts!
I’m trying to learn the Recorder Trig Sampling feature. This is very convenient. However I found out some weird behaviour of the function. A recorder trig can select from all 3 input sources. That can be done by holding trig and selecting the input source you desire. At first test it works fine, but later on I tried to keep changing the source and armed again for different source to be recorded for the same first step. Then here the issue is. When changing the source at first it doesn’t change the source. In the next try it works. So I have to do it twice every time I want to change the source. Anyone knows about the issue? How do I fix this and fluently and smoothly use the recorder trig sampling function?

Hello, Elektronauts!
I’m trying to learn the Recorder Trig Sampling feature. This is very convenient. However I found out some weird behaviour of the function. A recorder trig can select from all 3 input sources. That can be done by holding trig and selecting the input source you desire. At first test it works fine, but later on I tried to keep changing the source and arming again for different sources to be recorded for the same first step. Then here the issue is. When changing the source at first OT doesn’t record the changed source. In the next try it works. So I have to do it twice every time I want to change the source. Anyone knows about the issue? How do I fix this and fluently and smoothly use the recorder trig sampling function?

Select the sources with INAB, INCD and SRC3, without pressing the rec trig to enable / disable these sources.

Set unwanted sources to - -.

Possibly buggy. Do you want to record different sources with several rec trigs in a take? If not, you don’t need it to select sources.

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I want to change the source dynamically. At least I want to do it as the manual explains. Yeah of course, setting it simply would work perfectly, but I don’t think that is the OT theme. Thanks for the reply anyway.

More dynamically, you can press REC 1/2/3 buttons. It is possible to quantize recording with QREC (REC SETUP 2), also with midi tracks, so even if it doesn’t work properly with rec trig, it is doable. I’ll try to test your issue later.

Some things to try with Hold (REC SETUP 1)