Hi. How can i connect touchosc running on my galaxy s4 (android)with my OT directly. i got a usb on the go cable and an um3ex midi interface. are there another ways to connect a smartphone directly to the midi in hardware port of the OT? thank you so much.
Only way I can “see” that possible would be if you´re having an hardware interface inbetween your galaxy S4 and OT. So that interface takes care of transmitting MIDI messages from your TouchOSC. In that case your OT will regard it as any general midi controller…
I don´t know much about TouchOSC regarding if it transmitting any midi messages as well besides its OSC messages. If it doesn´t, you´ll need an app that converts OSC into MIDI first.
That is: TouchOSC (=> + extra MIDI app?) => hardware device/cable (that connects to your phone and got MIDI connectors in the other end) => OT
I don´t know if there exist a such device/cable though that you could connect directly to whatever kind of port you got on your smartphone (micro USB?), that got MIDI IN/OUT at the other end. However, there do exist plenty of normal USB to MIDI cables (i e ESI Midi Mate) but there will probably be troublesome issues with drivers since these are written for Windows OS and/or Mac OS. Haven´t seen any brand that claims driver compatibility with Android too…
BUT… have a look into this instead (it´s quite a bit neater, don´t you think!?):
edit: oops, just noticed you said android…
That’s what I use between my phone and my OT. Works great. But I use iOS not android; I’m not sure if it works with android.
TouchOSC for Android doesn’t support it directly yet; you have to use an intermediate application to send it to a hardware out. This can be most easily done with a computer running the WiFi MIDI application that comes with TouchOSC, and some kind of software MIDI patchbay or routing tool.
The latency isn’t bad, at least for applications running on the host machine. I haven’t tried it with the OT or any other hardware yet.
I just ordered an OTG adapter (which is supposed to come today, coincidentally) in hopes of writing some kind of OSC proxy that will run in the background, taking the network MIDI messages from TouchOSC and sending them through the MIDI interface connected to the USB port. However, I think this will add latency and I’m not sure whether it will even work at all.