After messing around to much i think its about time to get som advice from people in the same situation.
Its not really an issue, just a first world problem related to too much gear and how to organize it all.
I know many of you buy the elektron gear to get away from the “box” like myself did. But sooner or later, and especially when the overbridge comes its hard to avoid using a daw as a tool to record and produce music.
The list of gear starts to expand as time flies and now it looks like this.
- 2x Doepfer Dark Time
-Korg ms20 mini
-Analog Four
-A&H Zed R16 Mixer
-AbletonLive 9
Its not really that much gear, but its enough to make me scratch my head when it comes to connecting it all via midi.
My main concern is what should be the master clock. Should everything be slaved to the transport buttons in Live so that all sequencers starts when play is engaged in Live? Or should it be the other way around so that Live is slaved to one of my external sequencers?
It would be nice to get some feedback from people who have experienced and worked with similar setups and hear what the pros and cons would be.