To Twin or to Trinity

I’ll be DN/DT + Small Modular in about a month from now(at the most) Pittsburgh SV1b+Modular FX and whatever else I have room for, then I’m done on all the main bits. I might get an Apollo Twin, they have the free plug ins offer on for a couple of months, then at least I don’t need to 2nd guess.

So yeah 3. The Holy Triage. Sampler,FM,Analog.

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I am twinning for sure.

Even though I have DN A4 MC OT AR in the studio. Amongst others of course, but off topic tbh.

For jamming, it is mostly the OT+AR show (AR MKII replaced DT lately)
I d rather have synth parts sampled or played via midi from times to times rather than play them live.

Scenes + Perf while jamming in real time is plenty enough to keep me busy, if I go trinity I kinda loose focus or worse, make mistakes ha ha.

or I could go odd ball trinity with MC being the weird FM drum alter ego from to the AR, being fed to the OT :slight_smile: :crazy_face:


You can use OT as a looper, I can make my guitar sound like a synth, eventually drums, and my Perform VE for vocals can be an 8 voices synth using voice, or sampled voice (also looper).
That said, for a serious live I’d surely use the DN, loving PROB for improvisation above it, and why not the A4 as it would be on my Dark Quadrinity setup…:content:

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Kinda Twin for me, although I now have a AK off to the side which I use for very specific sounds. But, always have the OT and the MnM mk1 in front of me. Neither of those will ever loose my interest. The AK though…It’s a great box for source material. I just haven’t had it long enough to find where it’s gonna sit in my mix.


Put them above the AK in a wide stand! Same width (almost?) :wink:
That way you can play MnM with AK, or play AK multi map (up to 128 analog drums) with OT or MnM…

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Thats the first thing I did… OT Arp vs A4 Multi Map= Insane african/latin rythms… It’s great for that and crazy thick pads, Acidy stuff… But, being such an analog monster, I’m finding the sound hard to fit in the mix…It (the sound) is just soooo thick. Even the drums are just extremely dynamic. It’s sounds great alone. In the end I’m just going to have to use it’s own thru channel on the OT and eq and limit it more. I’ll figure it out.

Wow, now that’s just a crazy thought. Hah. I’ll work on it. I still love just bangin out drums and synths on the round buttons on the OT. Still in transition to feeling comfortable playing an actual kb :grin:

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Stranger Twins…
I have four Elektron boxes but at the moment I am totally loving MnM clocking MC and sending the MC audio back into the MnM. I think two are always more than enough whether you can or cannot keep track of what’s going on but I guess it depends on your ideas. I don’t have to ever ‘fully’ use a machine if you know what I mean? I prefer to keep things relatively simple.