To Octatrack or not to Octatrack?

You need to turn off reserve recordings too

Also - making changes in this part of settings (memory) causes a bug where slots go silent (!) don’t be alarmed but can be disconcerting if you make this change after you’ve been working on a project. You save the project and reload and the muted slots will sound again


Back to to OP - I had a Digitakt and traded it for an Octatrack because I wanted to be able to work with longer samples - specifically stems from finished tracks that I recorded in Ableton. I definitely got it as a live performance tool rather than a compositional one - although I’ve made several tracks in the Octatrack now which I quite like.

I think the Digitakt is a great little box and is definitely more immediate as I imagine countless other people have already said. For me the Digitakt leads to certain ways of working whereas the Octatrack can be configured in a bunch of different ways depending on you needs. The tracks I made in the Digitakt are constructed differently than something I would compose in a DAW (or in the Octatrack for that matter) which is pretty cool actually. If I had unlimited money and space I would have both for that reason but alas I don’t.


FWIW I have an Octratrack and a Zoom h5 and I love the Octatrack but I use the Zoom H5 a LOT more, so putting aside differences between the OT and the Digitakt, there’s a LOT to be said for having an H5. Even just being able to go out and make easy field recordings of decent quality with it opens up a whole world of possibilities regardless of what sampler you end up with.

A portable recorded is a lot more than just something to record your hardware jams on (although it’s great for that too - I’ve got a pretty decent interface on my DAW and I still regularly record to the h5 because it’s so convenient and sounds good enough).


There’s no generational loss copying a WAV file, same number of AD/DA conversions whether you record to a standalone digital recorder or directly to a computer.

He’s suggesting recording the multitracks internally in the OT rather than out the stereo outs into an interface.

Discussed here: Sampling(importing) via Computer or off CF Card


I know. Worse because that’s something else to do ! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Every fully digital audio device ever conceived should have digital outs as standard.
OT mk2 should have at least addressed that issue when released


To be honest. The OT is a big waste of time.
The kind of time wasting I love though :balance_scale:


Yeah, digital outs were common 20 years ago!


maybe the people who know how to do that are already dead?

I feel I wasted all my life with other gear before OT. :slight_smile:

I’m dead. :ghost:


are you an engineer who knows how to implement this? If so … I would kindly ask you to move to sweden right now!

Sure. Possible to do it for 1000€.


Is it multitrack? Did you make this?

A french guy did it. I contacted him, but for that price I prefer a 2nd OT.
Spdif is stereo only.


TBH I never use digital outs even when they’re available, I feel like the converters and analog signal path on hardware are part of its sound and I almost always prefer the results to using digital i/o.

Lots of good stuff.
Not to distract from your convo haha, but just thought I’d let you know I decided to go with the digitakt. The sample length was originally a concern of mine pushing me torwards the octatrack but putting more thought into it I dont think I will experience any run ins with maxed out sample length on the DT. Also as my first peice of hardware I think I would enjoy less complexity, not by any means saying the DT is simple haha, but I will have more immediacy in creation compared to the OT. Seeing what others have done with the DT is inspiring and convinced me I’m going to dig the elektron experience on the DT. I’m sure at some point down the road I’ll expand my collection and add the OT, I’ve heard they make a great combo


I think for a first hardware box, the DT is a great way to go. Fun and immediate, learn new tricks as you go. At the end of the day, I prefer my OT, but I’m glad I started on the DT :slight_smile:


have fun!:slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ll make sure to upload my first creation on this topic!

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