To every A4 master please!

Hi Guys me head its about to explode trying to understand the factory sound ATMO LOW 004 BANK C how the arpeggio sound is made I turn of the arp and its still there i try to modify the envelopes and its still there :confused:
can anyone help me i really like that sound and i have curiosity how its made

thanks every one

Bank C had no Factory Sounds here… ?
Anyway, the patch could use the LFOs to mod the OSC pitch.

Edit : Ah k its from the packs, i see. 1 Sec…

Its made with the Slide/Bend Controlls (OSC2 Page2), coupled with synced OSCs .
Nice and clever patch though, confused me aswell for a few seconds :smiley: .

Just tried to copy it, the sub OSC needs to be activated its causing this arplike scaling,i think.

Thank you very much now i see the light :joy:

the gods have spoken :kiss:

good idea to reverse engineer sounds like that

gives you ideas on how to do other interesting things

Yep , theres definitely great stuff goin on in the factory presets (specially the new OS 1.1 ones) , wich you can learn from and apply those techniques to your own sounds.
Some are also hiding in the factory demo projects (kits). For example Track 1 of pattern A9, this drum Patch and how its done with the P-locks is realy nice, had alot of fun with that.