To be or not to be? Octatrack MKII?

Almost every month ! :content:

Definitely. My first 2 weeks were like WTF is this ? So annoying limitations! I keep my RC505 looper, I need an MPC 1000 again to complete it!

After 3 weeks : wow, this thing is crazily amazing ! I didn’t use the MPC nor the RC505 after. :pl:
After 5 years with the OT, I can say I’ll keep it forever !


the day you sell your OT we can close this forum


Amen. No way, I hope to die before that forum is closed !

And wouldn’t sell it for a MKII. :pl:


I never thought I’d buy an instrument that I would have to study a manual, guide, and watch numerous video’s in order to understand how to use it.

I started with an Arturia Minibrute just to avoid menu diving and key combo functions.

And now I’m diving into the love it or hate it OT and I’m ecstatic! But I have had the intro to the Elektron world with a Digitakt for the last year to work up to it.

I really enjoy the way it’s helped me to get a more organized approach to what I want to compose.

And it’s fun thinking of how I’ll be able to start figuring out how to use the OT mkii to put the 60+gb of skeletal tracks I’ve noodled and improvised over the years to use finally and all in one bad ass, hands on instrument!

As I’ve been working toward getting the money together I just kept thinking of Pedro from Nepolian Dynamite saying in my head as I thought of the OT telling me ‘Purchase me, and I will make all of your musical dreams come true.’