Tip: Parameter locking LFO Retrig/Mode change with velocity

In the pad menu set Vdep to 0.

Set DST to “mode”

Set Ddep to 2.

A trigger velocity of 0 to 31 is free run mode.

Velocity of 32 to 63 is retrigger mode. (retriggers the LFO when note is played.

Velocity of 64 to 93 is hold mode. Current value of LFO is sampled when note is triggered and held until the next note is triggered.

Velcity of 94 to 126 plays a half cycle and then stops.

Velocity of 127 is one cycle and then stops.


To get an LFO that always syncs to the first note but then free runs set the first note’s velocity to 32 and then on the subsequent notes set the velocity to 0. The first note triggers (resets) the LFO and subsequent notes allow the LFO to free run but always locked to the same phase.

Example 2:

Set velocity to 64 and enter a series of notes with that velocity. Set LFO destination to affect pitch (as an example). Each note will sample the LFO at a specific point. The sampling rate is determined by the LFO speed and multiplier.

You lose volume velocity with this method but this can be worked around by parameter locking the volume (DIST) parameter.

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