My Octatrack drifts out of time with my other machines. I was initially running my Tempest, A4 and Octatrack separately.
When I noticed the issue I decided to hook the A4 up to the Octatrack, A4 Master with Clock and Transport on, and the Octa as the slave, but with no luck!
Any troubleshooting tips you guys could shoot my way would be greatly greatly appreciated!
i’m presuming that when you successfully connect the A4 to OT that the OT says EXT instead of 100.0 etc in tempo screen area - if not then you’re not hooked up - i do it the other way round
i tell A4 to rcv clock / transport (not send) and opposite on OT
no issues at all
rock solid
you’d need to use the slave device’s thru to feed tempest (also in slave/rcv mode)
sync without master/slave is a little hopeful - esp with diff manufacturers
Thanks I’ll give that a try, but yes, it says EXT on my Octatrack page.
So I reversed the process, followed what you said.
Now the A4 is out of sync! It’s almost as if it pauses at the end of the sequence before starting over again. The first time it runs a sequence it’s fine, but once it loops around it falls a step behind.
Ok!! Now it’s working, I have no idea what I did, I simply turned the machines off and lo and behold, it’s all in time!!!
Thanks for the advice, maybe having them all chained together has something to do with the timing stability? I’m just happy it’s working!
have you accidentally set any tracks (A4 or OT) to be less than 16 steps (Fn+Page), test on new patterns, also swap out your midi lead for another one just in case it’s flakey
okay - i see u fixed it, sometimes these devices seem to get a bit flakey, power on/off is a good plan in 1st instance