
Never really had any luck with using statics of different tempos and getting them to sound any good at all unless they are only a few bpm apart, and even then the artifacts are pretty obvious.

So say you have a track of 120bpm and another of 140bpm, and want to use the OT in a DJ style, has anyone had any luck doing such a thing? I have tried different things such as trying different project tempos, experimenting with the TS settings, but still no good.

Obviously with flex machines it is easy enough to slice loops and match them like that, but I’m talking about statics of at least 5 or 6 minutes, so slicing is not going to help much.

Any ideas?

I’ m interested in this too:

I tried the same thing a few months ago and without succes. I simply put two wav files of finnished commercial tracks (3 and 5 mins) on my card and loaded them into two static machines.

I then put a simple bassdrum on a flex machine as reference and tried to configure tempo settings and other parameters in the sample editor in such a way that simple beat matching occurs.

Whatever I try, sooner or later the beats get drifting apart and after retrying with two other tracks, I gave up.

For dj- ing stuff and syncing complete songs, Ableton’ s beatmarkers do a far better job i.m.h.o. I still have a live set with around 100 synced songs in it, but since I have tho OT, I haven’ t used it that much.


unfortunately the timestretch algorhythm in the OT is way subpar, compared to software that’s been on the market for years.
it’s a shame, but the very dated yamaha SU700 does a better job at timestretching :confused:

the least-hassle way would be prep your stuff in ableton or reason or some other daw.

OT’s internal routines work with small changes (And by small I mean +/- 2bpm, no more) and it’s still kinda meh.

for me, reworking the timestretch would be one of 3 crucial steps to make the OT a dream machine.

I do not like the artifacts timestretching on the OT produces, except for using the artifacts by purpose. But I do use the rate-prm a Lot. It is just great to play around with different playback speeds.Some radical effects are possible. Also some time adjustments, but probably not finegrained enough for tempomatching of different sources.

Hey Daren, like Twardowski pointed too, any issues using Ableton or Pro Tools to match the tempos, render and import back to OT?

^ I don’t use a DAW so can’t try it. Weird though that my old Electrix Repeater can do fairly good timestretch upto -/+ 10bpm without too many artifacts, yet the OT can’t, I hope that a future update will adress this, as from what I understand timestretch is a fairly simple process.

Daren, so what’s your method of recording?

I use a digital recorder, sometimes I master to 1/4" tape first then onto the digital recorder though.

Nice! What mutli-track recorder do you use, I ask cause currently I’m looking at getting a Tascam DP-24. Also curious what’s your reel to reel?