I dont understand why its not possible to set time signature per track like on the octatrack. Its just stupid. Should be a basic feature for this kind of sequencer/synth with 4 individual voices , especially since they have done it on the octatrack.
Totally agree, and there’s the same problem on the Analog Rytm
There is a little workaround: use the arp, speed it up or slow it down, set the notes on the arp-stepsequencer… this only works for basic sequences
But i agree, quite unusual this move from elektron, maybe it has something to do with the coming overbridge technology… timing or syncing issues with a daw.
It would be super nice if this feature existed in the A4 and in the AR!
Everyone just contact Elektron and request it, it seems like something that would be super simple to iterate.
I agree, to make house music, you NEED to be able to do this.
I would also like this feature for the A4 and Rytm. I pretty much wish it had it everytime I turn on the A4 and want to make a longer sequence.
This would be a hugely beneficial feature. Doing ambient live sets with long modulating drones etc being able to set tracks to different time sigs would allow me to have a really really long pad sequence on one track whilst having regular time sigs on other tracks.
Every time I start developing an ambient/drone pattern I wish for this!
Only reason I can think why it isn’t there is that it causes complications in pattern chaining/song mode and how Direct Change would work.