tIB - The Bastard Wing

Two EP’s, both available for free download should you desire (just put a 0 in the name your price).

The Bastard Wing: Percussion driven. Fast, slow, straight, wonky…

Music To Murder By: I released this to a whimper back in 2012, I still go back to it from time to time though, and while it still isn’t anywhere near sounding as I’d like, I’ve had a go at tidying it up a bit.

Thanks if you listen, comments welcome as ever.

I shall take a listen this afternoon. Go well with a nice salad me- thinks :joy:

I nearly called it ‘the salad soundtrack!’

Let me know how you get on with it- you heard a short snippet when here. I’m hoping to rocket!

This is lovely tIB!!!
Especially like Alula. Love the way it’s orchestrated, loads going on but still lots of space!
The Source has some beautifully crafted sounds, really impressive stuff.

Highly recommend people on here take some time out to really listen to this, a hell of a lot to learn here, top man!

Lovely stuff tIB!

I especially like Alula, too!

Can I hear me old ND2, on The Bastard Wing?

The new EP, The Bastard Wing, is great. Had to buy it immediately! Looking forward to giving it a proper leisurely listen.

Does it have a Nord Drum all over it?

Kick. :+1:

Nord drum all over it- artsutanov’s old mk2 and mk1 makes a breif appearance on kick and kick reprise. Its a great box and it loves MIDI- get each channel seperated for pitch and shoot CC’s in and you cant go wrong- it’s an FM synth I can actually use!

Ta very much for the buy too mr Duplex, very much appreciated! :slight_smile:

And Phil, you’ve seen how I muddle through in the studio- I just make messes and then try to cut them back a bit!

Yeah, I bought a Nord Drum 2 a few months back too and love it. Usually sequence it from the MD, using separate MIDI channels for the pitched goodness. But the little iPad sequencer app is fun too.

Anyway, congratulations on the EP – it’s really good; right up my street.

Nice one Andy. Good to see you around here.

Finally got a bit of time to purchase & immerse myself in The Bastard Wing - one of my fave tIB releases I think … Awesome sense of space & indeed pace … Drums & perc are particularly ace … Synth drones & textures detailed & interesting as always … Structure & arrangements compelling & absorbing.
Great work as ever Mr W - great to have some new stuff to dig into. Ta for sharing.

Bloody good stuff mate.

tIBby got me shakin a ribby

Just bought it. Would have paid more but low on cash! (buying too much music gear). Great stuff.

Thanks very much folks, feedback is very much appreciated, as are the buys- Much love to you!