tIB on gameoflife: Impressions Pixelated

Happy to share my latest EP on gameoflife.com:

“Impressions, Pixelated”


Grab it via free download here:

Elektrons, modulars and other bits and pieces. Created by me, mastered by Richard Scott @ boomdoctor.com

This is sounding really good – signed up for the newsletter to grab the free download, so looking forward to checking it out properly on the Big Speakers.

Thank you! Let me know how the big speakers find it!

The Big Speakers are still waiting anxiously as I never got the download link in my inbox. Just headed over to Bandcamp and resubmitted . . .

OK, got the link this time . . .
All good, but I especially like Taroko and DAHKShuunt – it’s those FM (?) percussion rhythms, they’re just great. Are they Monomachine, or something exotic and modular?
Very laid back production/mastering. I wouldn’t have been able to resist pushing it all a bit harder. But that’s just me.
Anyway, a really nice collection of tracks – thanks you for sharing.

Had I not ballsed up diffuse somewhat (phasing issues- kick disappeared in mono and bass moved backwards) I would have had that slam more, though in general I’m not a fan of squashed - I like compression but limiting/excessive loudness at the expense of dynamics isn’t something Im into.

The rhymic glitchy bits on taroko and dahkshunt are the MDUW ram records, through a little spring reverb and compression generally. Anything non snythy sounding there is MD really, the modular patches on those that make up the rest of it are bugbrand- lots of FM and delay feedback type stuff going on.

Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and feedback btw. :slight_smile:

Loving these tunes tIB. Really, really nice work. My B&Ws thank you. My neighbours, not so much :wink:

You want to get a new pair of neighbours.

Or thicker walls. Thanks very much, neighbours aside im happy that people are enjoying it