Cant seem to add Octatrack effects to Tanzbar drum machine. I create a thru track, specify a/b and adjust the mixer settings so I can hear Tanzbar coming through. Lovely. But I cannot hear any reverb/any effects when i select them. I have been away from Octa and its headaches for a week whilst I familiarised myself with the new drum machine. Feels like im missing something obvious. Anyone?
Don’t use DIR on the mixer (put it back to zero), but put a trig on the thru track in grid mode.
No trig = no thru processing
thanks a million mate, you saved my evening!
love to hear your results with the tanzbar and octa
Yeah I will post something within the next week or two. Tanzbar sounds so beautiful (a nice boxy warm sound, lovely sweet spot) and its great having (essentially) 16 drum/percussion sounds on one precious track in Octa. The parameter locks in Tanz is a nice touch too.
lol… this same problem has stumped me on more than one occasion. i have a sticker on my desk beside the OT with a bunch of little notes on it. one of them is THRU = TRIG
I used to just put a reg. trig on 1 for thru tracks but stopped doing it because it can cause an issue when sequencing certain gear (i.e. a synth)…can cause “artifacts” for lack of a better term…this drove me nuts for a little while trying to figure out out…now mostly just manually start the track or one-shot